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Infill Lot Services

You take a casual stroll down your neighborhood and amongst the many lined-up houses and commercial plots, you may encounter a single vacated land. This lot was perhaps thrashed down or used to be occupied by some business and later split off. Such land is accounted in the infill lots category. It’s a different story if you think about the utilization of such land in the near future as it is contingent on numerous factors, including its location, purpose, neighborhood amenities, pricing factors and sturdy foundation, among others.

What Type of Services Do You Need for Infill Development?

To create a concrete establishment on the infill lot and contribute to its seamless development, here are a few services to adopt while proceeding with the construction. MR Engineering ensures a typical, in-depth study of the land, its demography and soil, to rule out its usefulness or otherwise. The proceedings of the infill land development follow step-by-step planning and methodology execution.

Land Survey

Throughout the development, we don’t hesitate to be transparent about our construction and ensure to keep you in the loop. We provide you with in-depth information about the benefits as well as shortcomings of the land or neighborhood where you wish to establish an infill development. MR Engineering follows a decisive pattern of the as-built to construct the infill lot buildings. We streamline the as-built topography survey to include all the details of the land, such as elevations, sidewalks, fences and doors, with window elevation of the neighbor’s side.

Structural and Foundation Design

Our land and structural blueprint is constituted with your input and suggestions as well as our engineers. This foundational blueprint design is a combined effort of structural, geotechnical, mechanical and environmental zones, resulting in an unerring design that your property will be built upon. We ensure that this structural design withstands a hoard of any issues the neighborhood encounters, with sustainable materials, classy designs and economically-equipped structures.

Grading Plan

Any residential or commercial unit is not market-ready unless its drainage issues are little to none. Owing to this, grading is our prime choice to solve these problems. Occurrences of heavy rainstorms and blizzards can result in its accumulation near your property, even flooding it. This generally occurs due to the ground alignment that slopes towards the property. To rectify this, we use our top-notch grading equipment that levels up the soil and creates an elevation that navigates the water down the drains. Not only that, if necessary, we establish draining systems that could easily clear out the accumulated water and melted snow.

Drainage and Sewage System

MR Engineering makes sure that the drainage connection to the property would be the least of your worries while residing in it. Our site servicing plan involves contacting the necessary authorities and carrying out a comprehensive discussion regarding the same. Moreover,  we also evaluate the adequate capacity in the existing sewer system and submit the findings to the authorized city.

Now build your own home, suite, duplexes, row houses or even garden suites in an established neighborhood with the constant guidance of our veterans at MR Engineering and lead the life of your dreams.

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