The Future of Lot Grading: Balancing Development and Environmental Sustainability in Edmonton Introduction As Edmonton continues to grow, the need for responsible land development is increasingly critical. Lot grading, a crucial step in construction projects, plays a significant role in...
When building a property, a fully functional drainage system is crucial to ensure better drainage around the property. Such a system comes under the banner of lot grading. When executed, lot grading requires a Lot Grading Certificate prepared by...
Lot grading is a crucial step in any residential land development to shape and grade the surrounding landscape, so that surface runoff during any storm event can be directed away from the building and towards the City’s right-of-way. For all...
Flooding due to heavy rainfall, melting of snow, or surface runoff can a big issue for all kinds of properties. Since private property is the responsibility of the owner, City of Edmonton encourages all homeowners to take preventive measures...
Lot Grading can be considered as one of the very important components of construction. The main purpose of lot grading is to ensure better drainage around the properties so that the owners of these surrounding properties are all benefitted from...