Lot Grading Survey, Grading Stake-out and Grading Plan for Several Residential Houses in Alberta
Lot grading survey is basically an as-built elevation survey which is done to determine if the grading for the residential property is done as per drainage bylaws. Lot grading survey is typically classified into two types: Final grade and Rough Grade.
Final grade surveys are done to determine if the as-built elevations of the finished grading surface (sod, topsoil, etc) are within the tolerance of the design elevations as per drainage plan. Whereas Rouch grade surveys are done over clay to determine if the grading is ready for placing the finished grading. Ususally rough grade elevations has to be 7-20cm below final grade elevations as per most municipality drainage guidelines.
A grading stake-out is done to mark cut-fill for Final grade or Rough grade design elevations with respect to as-built elevations. It helps the grading contractor and the landscapers to finish their work as per drainage bylaws.
For all new establishments, especially in older neighborhood, where the newly built houses are always constructed at a higher elevation than the immediate neighbouring houses, a grading plan is prepared to allow proper drainage along the property line swale without disturbing the neighbouring properties. In cases where common property line swale cannot be established, a retaining wall is installed to create internal swale for the new house which is also known as infill houses.
Project Location:
Scope of Work:
Lot Grading Survey
Grading Stake-out
Grading Plan