Geotechnical Engineering
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Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering division of MR Engineering provides an in-depth assessment of the behaviour of earth material, geotechnical testing, analysis, interpretation and design. MR Engineering has an experienced Geotechnical Engineering team who delivers state-of-the-art engineering solutions for a wide range of geotechnical engineering problems.
How we offer to help:
Geotechnical Investigation
A geotechnical investigation is undertaken to determine the soil profile and groundwater status within the footprint of any proposed infrastructure. Based on the findings, recommendations are suggested for foundation design of the structure and underground utilities. Geotechnical investigation may consist of:
- Conducting desk study, field reconnaissance, geological mapping and analyzing.
- Contacting with Alberta One Call and a private locator to locate underground utilities
- Borehole drilling based on drill rig accessibility, site topography and existing site utilities
- Field sampling via drilling, coring, test pitting, Shelby Tube sampling, and SPT tube sampling
- Conducting SPT, CPT, Field Vane Shear Test, field load test, groundwater measurement, and other testing techniques as required
- Conducting Standard, advanced, and custom-designed lab tests on field samples
- Installing geotechnical instruments and monitoring field performance
- Submitting geotechnical report with recommendations
Geotechnical Design
In MR Engineering, we provide cost effective design solutions for a wide range of engineering structures including buildings, land developments, commercial and industrial infrastructures, roads and embankments. Some of our services are:
- Foundation design including shallow and deep foundation (footings, piles, rafts)
- Design and monitoring of short-term shoring for excavations
- Rigid and flexible pavements design for residential and industrial applications
- Embankment and retaining wall design
Geotechnical Analysis and Interpretation
In MR Engineering, we use sophisticated software and modeling tools for analyzing and interpreting complex geotechnical engineering problems. Our professional team provides:
- Bearing capacity and deformation analysis for footings, rafts, piles, caissons, and anchors
- Slope stability analysis of natural and man-made slopes including excavations, embankments, dams, and fills
- Settlement and land slide analysis, interpretation and recommending remedial measures
Ground improvement and solution
In MR Engineering, our geotechnical engineering team provides cost effective ground improvement solutions for problematic soil. Our services are:
- Site investigation and characterization for problematic soil for various kind of projects
- Design of geo-structures on, within, or with problematic soils and rocks
- Design and evaluation of ground improvement for soft soils, soft or fractured rocks and other problematic ground conditions